Locs are rope-suchlike beaches of hair formed by locking or platting the hair. Locs have a rich history and come from a variety of countries and persuasions, including Africa, ancient Greece.
And ancient Israelites. Celebrities like Chloe and Halle Bailey and Snoop Dogg have rocked the haircut for times.Dreadlocks — preferentially known as” locs” are a popular haircut that includes sections of hair that have been matted. And interlaced together to produce a rope- suchlike appearance.
The style has been around for what feels like ever( chroniclers have dated its origins back as far as 2500 BC). But whether you’ve officially decided to lock your hair or it’s still commodity you are looking into, there is a lot you should know about the process and maintaining the look before you getstarted. However, read ahead for a quick and easy- to- follow breakdown of everything you need to know, If you are interested in trying the locs haircut but doubtful of where to start.